Our Monsoon Diet – What to eat and why?

Our Monsoon Diet – What to eat and why?

Long drives, gusty winds, jumping in puddles and enjoying savouries, can be anybody’s longing desire, to enjoy the monsoon. However, our body is more vulnerable to infections, during the monsoons. Water borne diseases like diarrhoea, food poisoning and viral infections like common cold, cough and allergies, can ruin your day and spoil the fun. Not only that, the monsoons, also bring with them the desire to have hot pakoras and samosas, with cups and cups of hot tea. While that can satisfy cravings, it can play havoc with the digestive system. Taking quick fix pills and home remedies further aggravate health.

Boost your immunity with this interesting monsoon diet and reduce the risk of falling sick.

1. Power up on nutrients and antioxidants

Fruits like cherries, plums, papaya, jamun and pomegranate, are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Full of fibre, vitamins and minerals, like potassium and iron, these fruits help to boost immunity, and keep us healthy and fit. Just make sure, that they are washed thoroughly.

2. Say Yes to nuts and seeds

A handful of nuts can provide you, with healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, which not only improve our physical health, but also boost mental health.

3. Spice up on Spices

Turn to your kitchen for the power – house of health, in our daily spices, like turmeric, ginger, garlic and pepper. They are not only laden with anti-inflammatory properties, but also have anti – bacterial and antiviral properties which can boost immunity and fight disease causing germs.

4. Gourds

Come monsoon and we see different types of gourds at the vegetable vendor. Gourds are very high in water content, and therefore keep you hydrated. Bottle gourds and bitter gourds are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

5. Probiotics

Known to improve digestion and boost immunity, probiotic foods are a must have during monsoons. They help to fight off disease pathogens or bad bacteria, that contaminate food or drinking water. Therefore, regular consumption of probiotics, can help to eliminate pathogens or bad bacteria,which may cause disease and infection.

6. Reduce salt intake

High intake of salt causes water retention, and high blood pressure. Lower your salt intake during the monsoon season, to avoid other problems.

7. Boil it well

Drink boiled water to stay hydrated. Boiling, kills the viruses and bacteria, which are harmful to human health. Drinking water, sometimes gets contaminated because of the heavy rains, hence drinking boiled water is a much safer option.

So, while the rains pour and wind roars, to stay fit, keep your immune system strong and enjoy the weather.

Yakult Monsoon Cornflakes Recipe


Half cup cornflakes

2 bottles Yakult Light

1/4 th cup almonds (sliced)

1/4 th cup walnuts (crushed)

Half apple (grated)

Raisins (I teaspoon)

Vanilla extract (1/4 th teaspoon)


  1. Put all ingredients in an airtight jar.
  2. Mix and stir well.
  3. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Serve chilled and enjoy.

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