WHAT IS CONSTIPATION? Constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom, which affects almost 25% of the world’s population, especially children, women and the elderly. Those who are constipated, find it difficult to pass their bowels regularly and very often they pass them, even lesser than three times a week. The stool is often … Continue reading “SAY GOODBYE TO CONSTIPATION AND IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE”

Make Yakult Light a Part of your Daily Diet
December 28, 2022
In continuation to the previous article, we will yet again discuss, what makes Yakult Light so special, and why it should be an essential part of your daily diet. 1. Strengthens your Intestine and immunity Yakult Light contains 650 Crore probiotic (for life) bacteria, L. casei Shirota (SHIROTA strain) which keep our intestine healthy, and … Continue reading “Make Yakult Light a Part of your Daily Diet”

September – The Nutrition Month in India
September 21, 2022
In India, we all love food and enjoy eating. In fact, if it is our favourite dish, we have a tendency to binge and overeat. Despite our love for food, India has been battling with the growing burden of Malnutrition. It is heartbreaking to learn that more than half the population is suffering from undernutrition … Continue reading “September – The Nutrition Month in India”

Role of Probiotics for Sports People and Athletes
August 29, 2022
We have all heard that the greatest lessons are learned on the playground. National Sports Day is celebrated in India on 29th August, to commemorate the birthday of the hockey legend, Major Dhyan Chand. The last decade has seen an increase in the number of sports people in India, who have been winning laurels for … Continue reading “Role of Probiotics for Sports People and Athletes”

Our Monsoon Diet – What to eat and Why?
July 22, 2022
Long drives, gusty winds, jumping in puddles and enjoying savouries, can be anybody’s longing desire, to enjoy the monsoon. However, our body is more vulnerable to infections, during the monsoons. Water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, food poisoning and viral infections like the common cold, cough and allergies, can ruin your day and spoil the fun. Not … Continue reading “Our Monsoon Diet – What to eat and Why?”

Be Summer Ready
June 24, 2022
With the onset of summer, our energy levels go down and it seems like the sun is draining us. As the temperature rises, we get lethargic and look forward to the long and lazy days of the summer. However, the summer heat can also have some drastic effects on our health. During this season, we … Continue reading “Be Summer Ready”

World Digestive Health Day
May 23, 2022
29th May is World Digestive Health Day, a global health awareness day, that draws attention to one of the most neglected organs of our body – the digestive system. Celebrated every year, it emphasizes the importance of our digestive system which not only breaks down food into nutrients, used by the body for energy, growth, … Continue reading “World Digestive Health Day”

Probiotics – Good for Constipation, Diarrhoea and Depression
January 15, 2022
Our digestive system is remarkably efficient. After the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, it gets rid of all the waste material from the body through regular bowel movements. Healthy bowel movements empty the intestine of undigested food, harmful bacteria and their toxins so that you are not constipated, bloated or in pain. However, … Continue reading “Probiotics – Good for Constipation, Diarrhoea and Depression”

Yakult Goes to Space
July 16, 2021
About 100km above the Earth is Space, which appears as a black blanket dotted with stars. While it is believed that space is empty, it is not true. It is filled with gas and dust and infrared and ultra-violet radiations from the sun which could be dangerous for astronauts, and people who go to space. … Continue reading “Yakult Goes to Space”

Probiotics Help to Reduce Stress Related Symptoms
June 17, 2021
The intestine lives in harmony with its 1.5 kg bacteria known as the intestinal microbiota. These bacteria play an important role in every aspect of health. More recently, scientists have discovered that this group of bacteria are closely linked to the brain. There is two-way communication between the brain and the bacteria and vice versa. … Continue reading “Probiotics Help to Reduce Stress Related Symptoms”