Be Summer Ready

Be Summer Ready

With the onset of summer, our energy levels go down and it seems like the sun is draining us. As the temperature rises, we get lethargic and look forward to the long and lazy days of the summer. However, the summer heat can also have some drastic effects on our health. During this season, we … Continue reading “Be Summer Ready”

World Digestive Health Day

World Digestive Health Day

29th May is World Digestive Health Day, a global health awareness day, that draws attention to one of the most neglected organs of our body – the digestive system. Celebrated every year, it emphasizes the importance of our digestive system which not only breaks down food into nutrients, used by the body for energy, growth, … Continue reading “World Digestive Health Day”

Probiotics – Good for Constipation, Diarrhoea and Depression

Probiotics – Good for Constipation, Diarrhoea and Depression

Our digestive system is remarkably efficient. After the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, it gets rid of all the waste material from the body through regular bowel movements. Healthy bowel movements empty the intestine of undigested food, harmful bacteria and their toxins so that you are not constipated, bloated or in pain. However, … Continue reading “Probiotics – Good for Constipation, Diarrhoea and Depression”

Yakult Goes to Space

Yakult Goes to Space

About 100km above the Earth is Space, which appears as a black blanket dotted with stars. While it is believed that space is empty, it is not true. It is filled with gas and dust and infrared and ultra-violet radiations from the sun which could be dangerous for astronauts, and people who go to space. … Continue reading “Yakult Goes to Space”