“Live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.”, as per WHO/ FAO (2001)
This simply means that probiotics must be:
Capable of staying alive
Consumed in large amount
Safe for humans
Why to select Yakult?
How is Yakult beneficial?
Helps Improve Digestion
A study on about 4000 childern, at NICED in Kolkata, showed that regulat consumption of Yalkut for 12 weeks reduced incidence of diarthoea by 14% in the children (1-5 years)
Helps Build Immunity
Athletes who consumed Yakult for weeks had lesser symptoms of common cold and cough 50%, showed in a study conducted at Laughborough University in the UK.
Our Happy Customer
Little bottle, big story
Story of Japanese Medical Doctor
who invented Yakult.