Start your journey towards Better Health
Our digestive system is the steering wheel of our body. It decides whether the body will be healthy or sick. From children to elderly, it is the digestive system, which provides all the energy to the body from the food that we eat. It is also the largest area of the body which is exposed to external enemies like bacteria, viruses and parasites. It therefore contains about 70% of the body’s immunity, and keeps us protected.
L. casei Shirota (SHIROTA strain) was discovered by Dr. Minoru Shirota, a Japanese scientist in 1930. It has a history of more than 85 years of safe use and is validated through more than 100 human studies for its safety and efficacy. More than 40 million people, in 40 countries and regions, consume it every day for its health benefits.

Microbiologist and Founder of Yakult (1899-1982)
How is Yakult beneficial
for your health?
Increases good bacteria and decreases harmful bacteria in the Gut
Eliminates toxins (poisonous substances) from the Gut
Improves bowel movement and reduces the risk of constipation and diarrhea.
Helps to Improve the immune system to reduce the risk of infections

How does Yakult work?
Your digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria, some are beneficial and some
are harmful.
Beneficial bacteria can help digestion, make vitamins and stimulate immune cells.
Harmful bacteria disturb the activity of the beneficial ones and produce harmful
substances that affect your health.

Let’s learn more about
L. casei Shirota (SHIROTA strain)
Probiotic bacteria, which keep your Gut healthy, strong and boost your immunity to keep you protected.
*Yakult Ladies deliver Yakult at your doorstep across Delhi NCR, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Mumbai and Pune at no extra cost.